Why is President Biden Ignoring the Chinese Invasion at our Southern Border?
As many as 400,000 male military-aged Chinese nationals have illegally entered the US since President Biden took office. Why are they here? Where do their loyalties lie?
While the Biden administration is fixated on its proxy war in Ukraine, emptying both our ammunition stockpiles and our strategic petroleum reserve, China is quietly sending thousands of military-age males across our southern border. Just as the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, built his secret terracotta army to accompany him in the afterlife President Xi is building a secret modern-day terracotta army right here in our backyard. The question our policymakers should be asking is WHY?
It is virtually impossible for Chinese nationals to leave China without permission much less buy an airline ticket to Ecuador and pay the $10,000-$30,000 cartels charge to cross the border. To purchase an airline ticket to Ecuador Chinese nationals must have a passport and an exit visa. Fewer than 10% of Chinese nationals have a passport and it is practically impossible to get an exit visa without an act of God. Somehow thousands of military-age men from China are booking tickets to Ecuador with nothing more than a backpack and a passport. Once they reach Ecuador they are met by CCP-backed NGOs who arrange their travel to the US border. Given these facts, it is almost certain that China’s Ministry of State Security is organizing and funding the invasion.
Chinese suppliers, with unofficial approval from the Ministry of State Security, send various fentanyl precursors (ANPP and NPP) and synthetic opioids (U-47700) via cargo ships to Ecuador where the cartels process the precursors into saleable drugs bound for the US.1 The cartels then charge as much as $30,000 to smuggle a single Chinese national along with fentanyl and/or fentanyl precursors through Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection estimate that for every four illegal migrants they apprehend as many as six make it across the border unmolested.2 In fact, it is common practice for cartels to notify CBP where they are dropping illegal migrants off so they’ll know where the CBP won’t be active. The cartels are then free to move their most valuable cargo—Chinese nationals and fentanyl safely across the border.3 It is estimated that fewer than 1 in 10 Chinese nationals crossing the border are apprehended. That means with as many as 90 Chinese nationals caught per day as many as 900 are making it into the US.4 Unfortunately, the 90 that are caught are promptly released as they claim they are pro-democracy activists who would be killed if they returned to China. According to the CBP, there could be as many as 400,000 military-age men from China here in America with more arriving each day.5
Once these Chinese nationals are in the US they are monitored and supervised by a network of Chinese aid organizations. Six years ago China’s Communist Party began a concerted program to fill both domestic and international NGOs with loyal party members in an effort to spread its influence and control.6 Additionally, China has opened more than 100 police stations in countries around the world including the US.7 In the US they’re typically called ‘aid stations’ and provide a connection between the hundreds of thousands of illegal Chinese nationals and the Communist Party—kidnapping and returning those that turn their back on the party.8
The situation at our southern border is a humanitarian and economic crisis of epic proportions—but it is ALSO a huge security risk. The 400,000 military-aged males who have already arrived are just the tip of the iceberg as China has 34 million more men than women—men who desperately want a better life in America. But where are their true loyalties? What would happen if China decided to invade Taiwan? Could the 400,000 Chinese nationals living outside of the law here in the United States be activated? What are they capable of accomplishing? We’ve seen how easy it is to sabotage our power grids, water supply, and even railroads.9 It is past time to secure our border and determine what risk the massive modern-day terracotta army Xi has built here in America poses to our national security.

Wroughton, Lesley. "‘We Are Shipping To The U.S.’: China’s Fentanyl Sellers Find New Routes To Drug User." NPR, 17 Nov. 2020, https://www.npr.org/2020/11/17/916890880/we-are-shipping-to-the-u-s-china-s-fentanyl-sellers-find-new-routes-to-drug-user.
Lee, Caitlin. "Biden administration announces new measures to address surge of migrants at U.S.-Mexico border." CBS News, 22 Mar. 2021, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigration-biden-us-mexico-border/.
Campanile, Carl. "Cartels exploiting border chaos to smuggle fentanyl into US." New York Post, 10 Jun. 2022, https://nypost.com/2022/06/10/cartels-exploiting-border-chaos-to-smuggle-fentanyl-into-us/.
Gonzalez, Guillermo. "Chinese migrant spike at southern border." NewsNation Now, 17 Aug. 2021, https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/immigration/border-coverage/chinese-migrant-spike-southern-border/.
Huang, Benson. "Chinese Immigrants in the United States." Migration Policy Institute, 27 Apr. 2020, https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/chinese-immigrants-united-states.