Twitter's Transgender Day of Rage
Twitter suspended more than 5,000 conservative accounts for sharing evidence of far-left incitement from The Trans Radical Activist Network (its account wasn't suspended).
Not since the conservative purges related to January 6th and Covid-19 have so many Twitter accounts been locked and suspended in such a short period of time. Twitter’s head of trust and safety said she suspended more than 5,000 accounts for sharing evidence of an event titled “The Trans Day of Vengence” scheduled on Saturday by a group called The Trans Radical Activist Network in Washington DC. Many of us who didn’t share the details of the event got caught up in Twitter’s pro-trans dragnet. In my case, my account was locked for tweeting this:
The left’s constant narrative to children and individuals who struggle with identity is that anyone who opposes surgical intervention for children is “literally trying to kill” them making violence like we saw yesterday in Nashville ‘justified’ in the eyes of many Democrats.
~ @amuse
Eventually, I was allowed to delete the offending tweet and my account was restored. Out of an abundance of caution, I deleted every tweet and retweet related to the transgender movement I had made since the Nashville shooting—clear evidence of the chilling effect of Twitter’s continued censorship regime. I wasn’t alone. Federalist CEO Sean Davis was locked out of his Twitter account after reporting on the “Trans Day Of Vengeance”. Davis wrote,
“The cold-blooded mass murder at a Christian school in Nashville by an apparent transgender person came just days before a planned ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance’ organized by the Trans Radical Activist Network.” ~ @seanmdav
Davis chose not to manually delete the tweet as I did. Twitter already removed the tweet but requires in some sort of “Orwellian re-education exercise” that users ALSO delete the tweet—Davis has refused.
Twitter also locked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's congressional account @RepMTG after she criticized The Trans Radical Activist Network’s plan to hold their "Trans Day of Vengeance" despite the Nashville school shooting by a transgender activist.1 Ironically, the group’s own Twitter account @Trans_Radical was not suspended despite using it to promote their planned vengeance event in Washington DC on Saturday.2
Independent journalist Andy Ngô’s @MrAndyNgo account was locked after he pointed out that The Trans Radical Activist Network had locked its own account after it was caught promoting its vengeance event outside the Supreme Court.

Other accounts suspended for commenting on the “Trans Day of Vengence” planned for Saturday include Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson, Catturd ™ @catturd2, The Post Millennial @TPostMillennial, Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray, Mostly Peaceful Memes @MostlyPeacefull, Spitfire @DogRightGirl, Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis @DrLoupis, and Michael Knowles @michaeljknowles (and many many many more…)
Twitter’s Trust and Safety head, Ella Irwin @ellagirwin had her team suspend and/or lock the accounts of more than 5,000 conservatives who had shared the flier The Trans Radical Activist Network had previously shared. Irwin explained in the following thread that Twitter decided not to allow anyone to share details about the “Trans Day of Vengence” in Washington DC planned for Saturday despite the organization’s intention to hold the event despite the school shooting in Nashville.

When asked about their intentions to host the “Trans Day Of Vengeance” The Trans Radical Activist Network explained,
Vengeance means fighting back with vehemence. We are fighting against false narratives, criminalization, and eradication of our existence. It is also a call to our allies to stand up and fight with us to bring down the forces that try to divide and subjugate us all. ~ @Trans_Radical
While most of us have returned to Twitter the mass censorship of conservatives NOT engaged in or inciting violence shows that Twitter’s moderation and suspension policies are completely broken. Now that Elon Musk is charging us (most of those suspended are paid users) he really needs to fix this problem.